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Arthur Liangfei Tan

Address: 2425 Matheson Blvd East, 8th Floor, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5K4

Arthur Liangfei Tan – Who is he?

Attorney Arthur Liangfei Tan has been successful for many years in his field. He has a vast breadth of experience in the law and can give his clients sound counsel and representation. The law is a complex and ever-changing field, but Arthur is always prepared to fight for his clients’ best interests. He has a history of winning cases in court and is highly regarded by both his clients and his colleagues. In addition, Tan is a very hard-working person that genuinely worries for people who approach him. He is always there to provide a helping hand and share his wisdom, and he will battle tooth and nail to safeguard their interests.

Looking for the best lawyer to represent you? Then Arthur Liangfei Tan should be your top choice! Arthur Liangfei Tan is a professional lawyer who has been providing legal services to clients in Mississauga, Ontario, for years.

Arthur Liangfei Tan’s Law Practice Areas

Arthur Liangfei Tan is a professional lawyer who has worked in various sectors providing justice to clients over the years. In this section, we will take a look at some of the main practice areas that Arthur Liangfei Tan covers.

Commercial Litigation

Disputes involving formal entities like companies or associations fall under this category of lawsuits. Conflicts involving breach of contract, infringement of copyright, and business litigation are all examples of commercial lawsuits.

Real Estate

Real estate law is the practice area that deals with the legalities surrounding the buying, selling, and leasing of property. This encloses residential and retail properties, as well as land. Real estate lawyers represent their clients in purchase and sale agreements and various disputes.


Immigration attorneys aid their clients in every step of the process, from filling out paperwork to understanding the intricate ins and outs of immigration law. In addition, they offer help and advice on matters of culture.

Wills and Estate

Wills and estate law is the practice area that deals with the planning and execution of a person’s will. This includes the distribution of their assets and possessions after they die. It also covers the management of their estate.

Contact Arthur Liangfei Tan Today!

Get in touch with Arthur Liangfei Tan today if you’re in need of competent legal representation. Arthur is a seasoned attorney who has successfully represented numerous clients. Whether it’s a business or personal situation, he’ll be able to help you out. So get in touch with Arthur right away to talk about your legal requirements and get the ball rolling on a resolution to your case.